Real Estate Agency

Real Estate Agency/Property Assessment/Asset Valuation

Our family enterprise has been involved for several generations in property investment, purchase and sales of property, mediating and letting out which will generate successful business transactions in a short time thanks to our widespread domestic and foreign clientele.


Our well-qualified experts undertake the assessment of the sales value of your property helping you define the actual market value and form the realistic selling price with short deadlines.
As a unique service in the region we undertake to prepare the fully comprehensive property immovable assessment as a credit institute, mortgage right guarantee, a collateral certificate, a stock exchange, a capital market collateral.

– flat
– family detached house
– business premises
– building site
– industrial facility

Building method
– traditional brick
– prefabricated block
– light wood framed construction
– steel framed
– floor space
– sales price
– search
– for sale
– for rent

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